

Once a woman came to work to a remote boarding school. She looked quite usual, but soon children in the boarding school started to fall ill. They had tumours. One boy said: " I think that I have a tumour because this woman has touched me". They all began to watch their teacher and noticed that in the night she came to the bedrooms. They have also noticed that there was a needle protruding from her finger. The children have taken a lash and whipped the teacher right on this finger. They heard the sounds of glass being broken and shouts, the woman began shrinking, dwindling and finally vanished.


The Red-Faced Woman
A girl went to a shop to purchase gloves. Mother told her to buy any gloves except red. But when the girl saw red gloves in the shop, she liked them very much. That is why she has bought them and went home. As she approached her house she saw it was on fire. Many firemen came to the scene, but they could not put out the fire. Suddenly a red-faced woman appeared from nowhere, she approached the girl and told her that she could extinguish the fire if the girl agreed to fulfil her request. The red-faced woman made a spell, and the fire died out at once. And the woman with the red face told the girl: "Come to the cemetery at midnight and put your red gloves on the grave at the center of a the cemetery". The girl had to fulfil her promise. In the dark of the night she went to the cemetery, hardly found in the darkness the grave at the center of the cemetery and put her red gloves in the middle of the grave. The grave suddenly opened, the red-faced woman climbed out of it, grabbed the girl by the hand and began to pull her somewhere. The girl began to cry and asked to let her go. The woman told her: "Today I will let you go, but your grandmother will die". When the girl returned home she saw that her grandmother was dead. After they had buried her grandmother, the girl met the woman with the red face again. She released the girl once more telling her that her mother would die. Some days later the girl's mother died. After they had buried her mother, the girl met the woman with the red face again. She told her: " This time I will not let you go, it's your turn to die". The girl returned home and died without noticing it, even without noticing how she was buried. When she came to herself under the ground she saw her mum and grandmother. The girl was very glad and ran to them. But suddenly she noticed that both her mum and granny had red faces. Later all three of them became red gloves and came to the people who purchased them.

A boy was born in one family. He was healthy, nice and handsome, but he could not speak. When he turned seven, he uttered his first word: "Granny". The following day his grandmother died. Nobody paid attention to this coincidence, as the grandmother was very old. Soon the boy pronounced the following word: "Grandfather". In a day his grandfather died. He was old too, it seemed to be his time. The boy said "Mum", and his mother died. Hardly had they buried her when the boy had the following word ready: "Daddy". Father though it was his turn to die and got drunk. In the morning he woke up alive. At this moment the doorbell rang, the neighbour's wife entered and asked: "Did your boy say the word 'neighbour' yesterday?".

It happened on the last day of December. A family was preparing to see in the New Year. All of them were busy doing something: father ironed a new suit, mother cut vegetables with a knife, and their little son interfered with them running here and there. Suddenly the knife jumped out of mother's hands and hit the son killing him. Mother began to cry. Father saw that his wife had killed the son, flew into a rage and hit her with an iron. It was a fatal blow. Then father hanged himself... So, the prison sentence was for 7 years. ( If someone asks: "Who was sentenced?" - the answer should be : "The iron!"

Two girls were sitting in the yard of their house and playing cards. There were bushes and a bog behind the house. It got dark in the yard, and two boys appeared from behind the house and approached the girls. "Let's play cards together", - offered one of them. "O.K., let's play", - one of the girls agreed. And the other whispered to her: " Remember, our neighbour told us: do not talk to those who come from behind the house. I will not play with them, I'd rather go home".- "Why, you'd better stay. We'll only play cards with them. They will not do us any harm ". So, her friend was convinced to stay. They played and played cards. Suddenly, the six of spades fell on the ground from the hands of the younger girl, who wanted to leave. She bent to lift it and saw that the boys' legs were long and very hairy. She cried out and ran home to call for the help of the police and the people. When they approached the bench where the girls had been sitting , they saw the other girl torn in two halves under the bench. The boys were nowhere to be seen, but there were two poles near the bench, and on one of them there was a note written with blood: " You were saved from death by the six of spades. "

Anti-Horror Story About Refugees

Somewhere there, in an old house, there is a dark - dark room with a dark - dark ceiling, behind a dark - dark bookcase there is a dark - dark stain. On a dark - dark night a bony hand appears from the dark - dark stain. It reaches, reaches forward and a plaintive voice behind the dark - dark wall groans: "We are refugees, give us some money for food!"

The Black Hand From the Letter
A girl decided to write her grandmother a letter: the grandmother remained in the city while the girl with her parents were travelling by train to spend their vacations elsewhere. The girl finished her letter and at the end of it she made an outline of her hand and coloured it with a black pen. In the night everybody in their train woke up hearing an awful cry. A man travelling in the same compartment got killed. Then someone also killed the girl's mother. The girl decided to watch and find out who had done such awful things. And she saw a hand with a knife coming out from the envelope where her letter had been sealed. The girl was frightened very much , but couldn't do anything. On this night the hand killed many people in the train. And in the morning the girl saw her granny in a dream. The granny ordered her to tear the envelope and thus to get rid of the black hand. The girl tore the envelope and the letter into small pieces and scattered them in the wind. Since then the black hand never killed a person.

When mother died, father and daughter were left alone. One morning the girl woke up in the morning with tears in her eyes and told her father that she had seen mum in her dream. Mum told her in the dream: "Why have you buried me, I was alive!". Father was surprised and said that he had the same dream. The next night they had exactly the same dream. On the third night everything repeated. They decided to open the coffin and to see. They dug it up, opened and saw their mother lying with her eyes wide open. Her hands were stretched as if trying to open the coffin, but she was dead...

There lived a girl. One day a seagull came to their house. The girl fed it and played with it. One day the girl’s mum fell ill. Mum sent the girl to the city for medicines. It was getting late. The girl got ready and left. It was a long way to go and night was approaching. The girl suddenly saw the seagull flying to her. It landed on the girl’s shoulder and said: "Girl, give me some bread". But the girl had no bread and she answered: " I have nothing with me now, come to my home tomorrow". The seagull got angry and pecked out the girl's eyes. The blind girl couldn’t find her way in the forest and froze to death.


Three girls were trying to call up the Queen of Spades. They poured some water in a glass and put a mirror nearby. Then they said into the mirror: "Show up, Queen of Spades!". At midnight the girls heard the sounds of steps. The girl from first grade went out to have a look. She didn’t return. Another girl who was in the preparatory grade also went out to see what was happening. She didn’t return either. The third girl who was in the kindergarten group was frightened and got under the bed. In the morning mother came and found the second girl lying in the bathtub. She had three black speckles on her neck. The first girl was not found at that moment. Three days later her dead body was discovered in the basement. She also had three black speckles on her neck. The girls had been calling up the Queen of Spades. She only could appear if the water in the glass boiled. The water had actually boiled, and she had actually appeared. To make her disappear, they had to throw the mirror on the floor. They did not know about it...


A man married a woman, but he never laughed or smiled, even at his wedding. Only once he smiled in the middle of the night, and the woman saw that he had a green tooth. "Why is your tooth green? " -she asked. Her husband answered: "Come at midnight to the cemetery". But she did not come. Then the husband took her to the cemetery himself. They came to the cemetery, there was a hut. When they entered the hut, the woman saw bottles with blood and meat. The husband assaulted the woman and killed her...

Anti-Horror Story 1

In a black-black city, on a black-black street, in a black-black house, a black-black coffin is suspended to the black-black ceiling. From this black-black coffin Baba Yaga climbs out and says : "Do you want me to fart?"

The New Flat

A family moved to a new flat and organized a home-warming party in one of the rooms. Suddenly they heard the sounds: "Drip, drip, drip..." coming from the adjacent room. Father stood up and went to that room to see what was happening, but did not come back. The elder son followed him, but did not come back either. Then mother went to the room, but never returned. The younger son rushed to the police and brought a whole police squad with him. In the meantime, the dripping sounds continued to come from the room. They stormed into the room and saw father, mother and the elder son trying to close the water tap.

The White Slippers

A family moved to a new flat and the first thing they saw in the entrance hall was a pair of white slippers. They decided to leave them where they were. In the night father woke up. It seemed to him that he had heard some sounds, but he was not sure, so he stayed in bed. When the family woke up in the morning, they discovered that father was missing from his bed. Instead of him, there was a red spot on the sheet. The next night the same happened to mother, then to their daughter and son. A squad of 20 came there and put a glass jar with one litre of blood under the blanket. In the night they heard some noise, a slipper came crawling to the bed and started to drink the blood. One of the policemen shot at it and blew it to pieces. These pieces flew out of the window and headed for the cemetery. The policemen rushed outside after them. They reached an old well, looked into it and saw many bones, skeletons and a suitcase with blood on top of them. There was the second slipper sitting on top of the suitcase. The policemen shot at it many times with their pistols, but couldn’t hit it. So they failed to destroy it.

The Driver and the Old Woman
A driver was riding his car along the road leading to the cemetery. He saw someone hitchhiking and stopped. It was an old woman. She told him: "Take me to the cemetery" and gave him five roubles. He brought her to the cemetery and continued his journey. On his way back he saw the old woman near the cemetery. She paid him 5 roubles and he got her back to the city. The next day he was riding along the same road when he saw the old woman again. She gave him 25 roubles and told him to take her to the cemetery. He saw her walk to a burial vault and open it. He got frightened. On his way back he saw the old woman running from the cemetery and wiping her mouth with her sleeve. She gave him 25 roubles and he took her back to the city. The following day he got even more frightened when he saw the old woman again. This time she gave him 60 roubles, got off the car near the cemetery and ran to the vault. On the way back he stopped to give her a lift. She gave him 60 roubles. He asked her: "Why do you go to the cemetery every day?" She kept silent for several moments and then yelled: "I eat them, eat them, eat them!"
(At the end the speaker frightens the listener by dashing at him and yelling the last words ).

The Artificial Leg
A man had an artificial leg. He had two sons and a daughter. One gay he went to the forest with two sons, but returned with one. The next day he went to the forest with his other son and returned alone. Mother couldn’t endure it and died. The man was very old. He called his daughter and told her: "Take my artificial leg and don’t give it to anybody". The following day he died. In the night his daughter was going to bed and saw a black spot on the floor. A man emerged from the spot and started begging for the leg, but she didn’t give it to him. The next night the same thing happened. On the third night she yielded to his pleas and gave him the artificial leg. He took it and evaporated, then the girl died.

The Black Spot - 1
A man arrived in the city that he had never visited before and wanted to stay at a hotel. He was offered a place in a hotel at the outskirts of the city. Nobody wanted to stay in this hotel. The hotel manager offered him a room at the top floor, under the attic. In the night the man saw a black spot on the ceiling. Suddenly the spot started growing. The man switched on the light. The spot disappeared. When he turned the light off, the spot reappeared. The man decided to sleep with the light on. In the morning the hotel manager was turning his face away from the man and squinting. During the day the man brought a stone and put it under the bed in his room. In the night he saw the black spot again in the same place on the ceiling. He tried to turn on the light, but the bulb would not light. He threw the stone aiming at the spot. There was a cry, and the spot disappeared. In the morning the man saw the manager whose hand was bandaged. The man told him about the spot. The manager frowned. In the evening the man returned pretty late, hoping there would be no spot. However, he saw that the spot was growing very rapidly and was filling the room. The man threw his knife aiming at the spot. Again, there was a cry. The spot turned red and blood began streaming down the walls. The man ran to the attic and saw the manager with the knife in his heart.

The Marble Statue
In a kindergarten that moved to the countryside every summer children began disappearing. The teachers decided to find out why children disappear. One day, when children played in the lawn,
the teachers hid themselves behind the trees. Suddenly a marble statue came flying into the glade and grabbed a child. At this moment one of the teachers fired a pistol and hit the statue, They heard the sound of impact and saw pieces of marble splintering from the statue. But the statue took off holding the child and flew away. The teachers inspected the grass and discovered a white trace. They decided to follow the statue and set off along the trace. They walked for a long time and finally came to a cave filled with human skulls and bones. There was the marble statue on top of the bones finishing to eat the child. When the teachers entered the cave, the statue turned back and cried: "How dare you interfere with my dinner?" The marble statue rushed at them, but one of the teachers fired at it and the statue went to pieces.

The Eleventh Step

There lived a family, and there was a little old man in it. He said: "The one who steps on the eleventh step will die." The family didn’t know the old man was a sorcerer. Their son returned home after his military service and discovered that there was no one in the house. He immediately understood that they had all stepped on the eleventh step. He also decided to step on the eleventh step, but he was lucky and the knives that were there didn’t hurt him as he was falling down. Down there he saw human bodies suspended, jars filled with blood, and Negroes in loin-cloths repelling flies from all this. He found his way out from the basement and went to the police. The policemen came and stepped on the edge of the eleventh step and fell down missing the knives. They shot dead all the Negroes and went on. They saw the old man sitting there and eating some meat. He also saw them and rushed away. They followed him. He came running into a house where he had a machine-gun hidden in the attic. He started shooting at them, but they were standing behind the corner and he missed. They were also shooting at the old man, but couldn’t kill him. One of the policemen noticed a black spot on the man’s forehead, fired at it, and the old man exploded.

The Old Woman Murders Her Husband
A old man lived with his wife. He was an awful drunkard. Once he went to the church to sell candles. Afterwards, he got drunk spending all the money he had earned by selling candles. As he was returning home, he fell asleep on the threshold of his home. The old woman was sick and tired of it and she decided to kill him. She cut his legs off and gave them to the pigs, she cut his arms off and gave them to the dogs. She cut his trunk into pieces and buried them in the ground. Finally, she wrapped his head in a sheet and threw it on the bridge. She also cut out his heart, roasted it and ate it. In the night, when she was in her bed, the door opened and the old man’s head in a blood-stained sheet came flying into the room. It hovered over the bed and asked:
- Old woman, where are my legs?
- The pigs have eaten them.
- Old woman, where are my arms?
- The dogs have eaten them.
- Old woman, where is my body?
- It’s buried in the ground.
- Old woman! Give me back my heart!

The Nail
In one family mother was dying and shortly before her death she ordered her children very strictly not to remove a nail from the floor. One evening the younger daughter was washing the floor and hurt herself. She got very angry at the nail and pulled it out from the floor. After a while, there was a doorbell ringing. The girl opened the door and saw a blood-stained woman. The woman said: "What have you done! (Here the person telling the story raises his voice) The chandelier crashed on my head!"

One day a girl went for a walk and never returned. Her parents were beyond themselves with grief. The police were doing their best, but no one could find her. One day a terrible sound of dogs howling was heard from the basement of the house. People came down to the basement and saw parts of human bodies on the floor. It was the girl killed by a crazy guy who worked at the meat processing factory. Eventually, he was found because a bright new carpet hanging in his room had left an imprint in the girl’s eyes when she was dying. The police made o photograph of this imprint and enlarged it. The carpet with such a pattern was only in the madman’s apartment.

The Old Piano

An old woman died in her home. Before her death she had distributed all her belongings among her relatives. But there was no one to take an old piano. So the relatives sold it through a second-hand shop. It was bought by some family. A month later the piano broke, but there was no time to repair it. The next night after this, father suddenly disappeared. On the following night mother followed suite, then their son. The daughter called the police. The police came and put a big doll on the bed. At midnight a hand protruded from the piano, grabbed at the doll and turned its head off. Then it pulled the head under the cover of the piano. The policeman rushed to the piano, opened the cover and saw a coffin with the old woman who had died.

The Grandfather from the Photograph
There lived a family: mother, father and their daughter. Grandfather died some time ago, and his photograph was hanging on the wall. In the night, when everybody was asleep, grandpa stepped off the photo, came to mom’s bed and killed her. The next night he killed daddy. The girl found out about this and called the police. In the night she hid under the bed. Grandpa stepped off the photo and came to her bed. The girl was sitting under the bed and trembling. Grandpa approached the window and disappeared behind the silk curtains. In the morning the girl came to the window to see if he still was there. He wasn’t. So she went outside. Near the porch she saw her daddy, mom and grandpa - all dead.

The Black TV Set
There lived a girl with her mother. Mother bought a black TV set. On the following day she died. The girl switched the TV on, but there was no picture. In the night she had a dream about her mother who told her: "Don’t switch on the TV!" The next day the girl switched the TV on, but there was no picture again. In the night she saw her mother in a dream. Mother repeated the same words. On the following day black hands showed from the TV screen and strangled her.


On a black - black island, In the most black - black night,
Under a black - black oak,
There stood a black - black little house.
There was a black - black table inside,
And there was a black - black coffin on the table.
There was a black - black emptiness inside the coffin.
Black - black people entered this house.
They have fallen out of a black - black pipe.
They were Gena the Crocodile and Cheburashka.

You come into a black, black wood.
Walk along a black, black road,
Approach a black, black hut,
Open a black, black door.
Enter a black, black room,
In the room there is a black, black table.
On the table there is a black, black coffin.
A black, black man rises from this coffin ...
He stretches to you his hands,
- "Give me back my heart!"...

Anti-Horror Story About a Crawfish

In a black - black street,
In a black - black house,
In a black - black apartment,
On a black - black table,
In a black - black coffin
There lies (A pause)
A red - red crawfish...
And who listened to this is a fool!

In a black, black wood,
On a black, black glade
There was a black, black house.
In this black, black house,
In a black, black room
There was a black, black table.
On this black, black table
There was a black, black coffin.
In this black, black coffin
There was a black, black devil !!!

The Black Automobile

In a black, black city,
On a black, black night
A black, black automobile ran through the streets.
This black, black automobile
Left the black, black city.
The black, black automobile
Ran along a black, black road
And approached a black, black wood.
From the black, black automobile
Two black, black men emerged.
They came to a black, black tree,
And one black, black man
Asked the other black, black man:
"Shall we pee here, driver?"

A Man from the Basement
A girl named Masha lived at the grandmother's place. One day, when granny left, a man climbed out from the basement and told Masha: "Do you want me to tell you a fairy tale?" Masha answered: "Yes".- " Well, listen, said the man. - In one black - black wood
There stands a black - black house,
In this black - black house
There is a black - black coffin.
In this black - black coffin
There lies a black - black cat.
Give me back my heart!

It actually happened in the pioneer camp "Alexandrovka". All the children have left, there were only the cooks and some other workers in the camp. It was raining very hard. Two men entered the gate, they were both two meters high. They had suitcases in their hands. They opened the suitcases, and there were two heads. They left them on the porch and went away. And when these people were gone, nothing remained on the porch.

The Snake

A girl’s mother died. In the night, when the girl went to bed, a snake crawled up to her and said: "Girl, o girl, give me a glass of your blood." The girl cut her finger and gave the snake a glass of her blood. In the morning the girl got frightened and went to the police. She told them everything. They didn’t believe her and decided to check if she had told them the truth. The following night they placed there a robot-girl. In the night the snake came and said: : "Girl, o girl, give me a glass of your blood." The robot-girl kept silent. The snake repeated this phrase 4 times. Then the robot stood up and said: "Don’t you want some yogurt?"
The snake died because it didn’t like yogurt. And the mother died because there was no blood left in her.

Black Roses

A girl’s mother was dying and told her daughter not to buy black roses. One day the girl went for a walk and saw an old woman selling black roses. The girl felt a desire to buy them and she did so. In the night, when the girl fell asleep, the roses began to bloom, and small black old women emerged from them. They were growing bigger and bigger until they converged into one big old woman. She rushed at the girl: "I want your blood!" The girl got frightened and screamed. The old woman vanished. On the following morning the girl went to her granny. On her way, she passed the cemetery. There she saw the grave of the old woman who had been selling the black roses. The girl wanted to run away, but she couldn’t. The eyes on the old woman’s photograph were attracting and pulling her closer and closer to the grave. The girl came closer to the grave and fell down the hole. She saw a dark corridor and three doors. She entered the first door and saw young girls sitting and crying.
- Why are you crying, girls?
- Of course we are crying, now they’ll undress us!
She entered the second door and saw naked girls sitting and crying.
- Why are you crying, girls?
- Of course we are crying, now they’ll drink our blood!
The girl entered the third door and saw the old woman drinking blood from young girls. The girl rushed away and ran so fast that the old woman couldn’t catch her. She got out of the grave and saw her mother standing there and smiling.

A girl’s mother died. As she was dying, she told the girl : "Never buy a black rose, only a white one". One day the girl went to the market and saw a woman in black who was selling black flowers. The girl liked the flowers very much and decided to buy them. She bought one black rose. She walked on and saw a woman in white with white roses in her hands. The girl bought a white rose. She returned home and put the roses into a vase with water. In the night, when the girl was sleeping, a black woman emerged from the black rose. She drew her hands towards the girl and tried to strangle her. At this moment a white, white woman came out of the white rose. She grabbed the black woman and strangled her. The girl woke up and saw on the table the white rose standing in the vase and the black rose lying nearby with its stem broken. The girl at once recalled the order of her mother and threw out the black rose. After this, she never bought black roses, only white ones.

Mother's Ghost Saves the Baby

A boy was born in one family. He was their first son. Mother loved him very much Mother loved him very much, but she died a month later. She was buried, and father married another woman. She took a dislike to the boy and decided to kill him. She wrapped the baby in the nappies and put him on railway tracks. In the meantime there was a train approaching. The engine-driver looked forward. Suddenly he saw through the windshield a woman with her face distorted by fear. She held her hands pressed to the windshield, as if she wanted to stop the train. The engine-driver stopped the train and saw the baby on the railway bed. The boy was saved. They began to investigate this case and found out about the stepmother. Then they decided to open the coffin of the boy’s mother. When they opened the cover, his mother was lying there with her hands in the same position as seen by the engine-driver.

The Black "Volga" Car
In one city children began to disappear. An investigation was started. One day a policeman saw a black "Volga" car stop near a boy walking in the street. A man stepped out of the car and offered the boy a candy. The boy unwrapped it and saw a small skeleton depicted on the candy. The man told the boy: "Let’s go with us, we’ll give you more candies like this". The boy agreed and got into the "Volga" car. The car started and moved very fast . The policeman riding a motorcycle couldn't catch up with it. He lost the "Volga" out of sight, but he understood by the prints of the tires that the car headed to an abandoned church. There was a huge oak-tree with a hollow near the church. The policeman looked into the hollow and saw a large garage: the oak-tree was very thick. He got into the garage and noticed skeletons of children, barrels with meat and bottles with blood in all corners. On the wall, he saw some buttons as in an elevator. He pressed one of the buttons and began to descend.
On the first three floors he saw only dead children, and when he got to the fourth floor he heard someone cry. The policeman found a child, that very boy, in a corner and took him out. They went up together, the boy get into the motorcycle side-car and sat there waiting for the policeman. The policeman entered the abandoned church and saw the black "Volga" car. A man and a woman were standing nearby. They had candies with skeletons in their hands. The policeman made them eat the candies, and they fell asleep. He took them to the police station.

The Horrible Dream (The Witch With Black Teeth)
A boy went to sleep and had a dream that he was at a dancing party and invited a girl for a dance. She was a witch and had black teeth. She never opened her mouth, so that nobody could see her teeth. But this time she burst out laughing. The boy got frightened. She told him: "Let's go with me ". And he answered: "No, I won't go ". She said: "Let's go, or else I'll eat you up". They came to the cemetery. The witch made him dig up a grave and chew the bones from it. He was chewing and chewing and chewing... In the morning mother awakened him saying: "Wake up - you are finishing to eat the last blanket".

The Bewitched Place
In one of movie theatres people disappeared every day in the same place (the 12th seat in the 12th row). A policeman wanted to find out why it happened. He came to the cinema and sat at the 12th seat in the 11th row. He put his hat on the seat in the 12th row. By the end of the movie show his hat had disappeared without him noticing it . The following day he sat on the same seat and put a mannequin on the 12th seat of the 12th row. He was watching this place during the whole show. It was only at the very end of the show that the chair slid open suddenly, and the mannequin fell down through it. The policeman broke the chair and saw a sharpened pole with people pinned on it.

The White Dome

A woman’s little daughter died. During the first year after her death the woman visited her grave every day, but she worked till late and sometimes could get to the cemetery only by eight in the evening (the cemetery was in a suburb). One evening when mother was visiting the grave, she was about to return after sitting there for a while and talking to her daughter. Still at the cemetery, she heard her daughter’s voice: "Mummy, Mummy!" She turned and saw a large white dome in the path between the graves. The dome was waving with a scarf. It called her: "Mummy, I’m so cold, so lonely!" Mother rushed away. Beyond herself with fear, she ran to the railway station and took a train home. The railway line passed near the edge of the cemetery. The woman saw the dome again at the cemetery fence. It was waving a scarf as if bidding good-bye. For a long time she could not make herself return to the grave. She only came there in a week, on Sunday afternoon. The whole grave was covered with flowers, and there was that very scarf on the tombstone.

Knifes Instead of Fingers

There lived a woman with her daughter. One day the girl went out for a walk and saw a woman in black gloves. The girl asked: "Lady, why are you wearing black gloves?" The woman asked: "Will you keep this secret? ", "Sure", - the girl answered. The woman took off her gloves, and she had knifes instead of her fingers. Then she said: "Come tomorrow to the cemetery to your grandmother." The girl came running to her mum and told her: " Mummy, will you keep this secret?" " Sure", - said her mum. The girl said: " One lady has knives instead of fingers!".The next day they went to the grandmother's grave in the cemetery. The fencing around the grandmother’s grave had turned black. They thought that someone had painted it. At this moment, instead of their granny, that very lady rose from the grave. She approached the girl and made so (placed three fingers from each side to the girl’s neck). She wanted to do the same to her mother, but mother ducked and the woman missed. Mother called the police, and they chopped off the woman’s fingers. Instead of fingers, small leaves appeared there. They were chopped off, too. Snake heads grew in their place, they were chopped off; forks grew in their place. Then she was told: "It’s the last time that we are chopping!" They chopped. There grew a whole snake. Then they said again: "It’s really the last time that we are chopping!" They chopped. She was left without a single finger .

"The Rider on the Horse "
There lived a man with his wife and three children: two girls and one boy. One day they bought a summer cottage in the countryside. There was a beautiful picture "The Rider on the Horse" in the cottage. They liked this picture very much. They slept there for the first night. And in the morning they saw that their daughter was dead and there were two dots on her neck. They were wondering who could have done it. They searched through the whole house, but couldn’t find anyone. In the meantime, one of the horse’s eyes became bigger. They were surprised, but didn’t do anything.
When they were sleeping the following night, they heard the clatter of horse-shoes. They thought that someone was riding a horse in the street. In the morning, when they woke up, the second girl was also dead. Then they called the police and searched the house again, but found nothing. By that time, the horse’s eye had grown to the size of the whole head. But the policemen said they had no idea why it had happened and left.
They slept there on the third night and discovered in the morning that their son was dead. Then they went to look for the murderer in the village. They asked all the people they met if they knew anything, but no one could say anything. Then the wife said: "Let’s leave this house". The man answered: "Let’s stay here for two more nights". On the fourth night the wife went to bed and the man stayed awake. He was sitting near the painting and waiting. At midnight he heard the clatter of horse-shoes. A hand reached from the eye of the horse to his wife. The husband got frightened and chopped it off with an axe. He didn’t tell his wife anything.
In the morning they woke up and saw that nothing had changed. Then the man took the hand and went around the village to look for a person with one hand missing. They visited almost all the houses in the village, but found nothing. There was only one house left. They entered it and asked: "Is all the family at home?" There was an old man with his wife sitting there. They replied: "We’re all at home. But our daughter is sick." - "What’s the matter with her?" - "She was making hay and cut off her hand by accident." The husband said: "With whom was she making hay?" They said: "She was alone." Then the husband told them: "Your daughter is a witch." They didn’t believe him. Only the grandmother believed.
They slept there on the following night. The man remained to watch the painting. At midnight he heard the clatter of horse-shoes again. Someone grabbed him from behind and he couldn’t reach for the axe. The wife woke up, got frightened and began to scream. The hand strangled her. In the morning the police came and found the man and his wife lying dead on the floor. The husband’s hand was on the woman’s head, and there was a wound left by the axe on the man’s head. The police thought they had had a fight between themselves and left .
A young student remained there to have a look at the painting: "How can a horse’s eye be bigger than its head?" Then he touched the eye, and his whole hand was stained in blood. When he touched the eye for the second time, his hand drowned in the eye and he saw there a small door. He opened it and followed a passage that led to that very girl on the stove. When he came there, the police was there, too. He asked if the girl knew about the passage. The girl answered that she didn’t. The granny thought: "She is really a witch." So she said: "Maybe you still know?" - "No", - the girl answered.
When the student went to bed that night in the house, he heard the clatter of horse-shoes and woke up at once. He saw a hand trying to reach him. He turned on the light and the hand disappeared. He told about this at his work and guards were appointed to protect him. When the clock struck midnight, they all saw someone’s hand reaching for the student. They turned the light on and saw the girl. She turned blue all over, and they killed her. Now, those who ever mention in the village that there was once a witch-girl get killed. She comes and strangles this person.

The Robot - Killer

One day a police station got a message: a club where people used to gather was destroyed. When the police had arrived at the scene, they saw the following: the building had been totally destroyed, with only some fragments of walls left there. In the rubble one could see human hands, legs and bodies. And the most terrible thing: there were very many dead people near the club. They looked charred in some parts of their bodies. The policemen couldn’t make out what had happened. At this moment they got a message over the radio about similar things happening at the other end of the city. The policemen jumped into their cars and rushed to the scene. There they saw that people were running around another public building and heard a roar and a clatter of metal. As they came closer, they saw a huge robot. It head red lights instead of eyes that were shooting lightnings that killed people by the dozen. The policemen understood why there had been charred spots on the bodies. They opened fire on the robot, but it proved inefficient. The robot, on seeing their resistance, started in their direction and began to trample them with its feet and shoot lightnings at them. Practically all of them died, except one, who was badly wounded. The robot thought that all the policemen were dead and turned to go. The remaining policeman saw a red lamp on its back. He shot at it with his last bullet that hit the lamp. A thick cloud of smoke belched from the robot, it began to shake and fell apart crushing one more house.

The White Nun

When this pioneer camp was being built (the "Seryozha" camp in the Vadsky district), someone told the construction workers that they should not build it there because there had been a convent in this place It was headed by the White Nun. She buried all the nuns who died. However, nobody knew how she had died and who had buried her. All the same, they finished building the camp in this place.
The first shift of children came to the camp. Suddenly, children began to disappear in the nighttime, and white footprints were discovered the next morning in the rooms where they lived. These footprints could not be wiped out. It lasted for a week. Everybody knew it was the White Nun who kidnapped the children, but nobody had any idea what to do. One of the teachers decided to trace her down. In the night he saw that the White Nun enter one of the rooms and grasp a boy. The teacher tried to take the boy away from her, hit the White Nun, but she fell through the floor and vanished.
Since then, she was leaving red footprints behind her, but all the same she kidnapped the children. One day, after one more little girl had disappeared, a little old man came to the camp. He found the White Nun’s grave, dug up her tomb and opened it. The nun was lying there with her face down and holding the last girl’s dress in her hand. They also found in the tomb many pieces of other children whom she had eaten. Then the old man turned the White Nun over, put her hands on her bosom, made the sign of the cross over her and buried her again. Since then, the White Nun had never been seen again, but her footprints remained in the room.

The Red Head Scarf
A girl came to the pioneer-camp. She always had a red head scarf on her head and never took it off. Other children asked her why she never took it off, but she was silent. Every night she asked permission to go somewhere for 2 hours. Police began to watch her. One night this girl fled from the camp kidnapping a teacher’s baby. She ran to the forest, entered a hut, took her red scarf off and strangled the baby with it. She was arrested by the police immediately. The girl turned red all over and vanished.


There was an abandoned church at the edge of the village. Children began to disappear in this church, and the police started its investigation. For a long time, they couldn’t find anything. Then someone noticed the image of a goose foot on the floor. They cut out a passage through this image and saw some steps leading downstairs. A policeman decided to go down and saw some people there. These people didn’t notice him and he heard the words: ... "soon we’ll kill all children in this village...". The policeman rushed at them and managed to tie up all of them. He saw some buttons on the wall nearby. Suddenly the hatch through which the policeman got into the basement shut close. Then he pressed the first button and found himself with the tied criminals in a glade. Other people came running to the glade and the criminals were taken to jail.

The Horrible Cactus

There lived a woman in a hotel. She went to a shop and bought a cactus. She put it in her room. In the morning a waiter came to the room and found her dead. He reported to the police. The hotel manager did not allow anyone to stay in this room, but one woman insisted and settled in the room. In the morning the police came and found, to their surprise, that the woman was dead. The people who allowed her to stay in the room were sentenced. A policeman stuck his knife in the earth of the cactus pot. The blade of the knife suddenly began to disappear, and only the handle was left. He told his colleagues about this. The earth was removed from the pot, and at the bottom they found a black hand attached to the root of the cactus. They took off the glove that was on it and saw a rubber hand. They began to look for the inventor of this cactus, and suspicion fell on an elderly man. The police began to watch him. The old man went to a small park and entered a booth with electricity. A policeman followed him. He made several steps and fell through. Then a whole group of policemen went there. They opened the booth, and one of the policemen pressed a button that was there. All mechanisms slid aside and they saw a ladder leading underground. They went down the ladder and saw many such cactuses and other pieces of his work. He was arrested and sentenced for spying.

The Radio Broadcast
A man was sitting in his apartment. Suddenly, the radio announced: "Man, a corpse is coming to you from the woods". He got frightened and rushed to the front door to lock it. The radio continued: "Man, the corpse is walking along the streets". The man, full of fear, checked all locks and closed windows... "Man, the corpse is approaching your house". He latched all doors in the apartment and sat on the bed. "Man, the corpse is approaching your door". He closed his eyes. "The corpse has passed through the entrance door and is walking along the corridor of your apartment!" The man’s heart was wrung with fear and he was afraid to stir a finger. "The corpse is standing in the adjacent room in front of the last door!" The man has covered himself with a blanket. At this moment the radio announced : "Dear listeners, these were Russian folk tales. Thank you for your attention!"

The Girl Vampire

In one village there lived a little boy and a little girl. Once they lost their way in the forest. They walked round in circles very long and got awfully hungry. And when they came across a little wolf-cub, they were so hungry that ate it or, rather, drank its blood. Many years passed. The boy forgot everything. But the girl could not forget the taste of blood. And she began to kill dogs secretly and to drink their blood. When the boy saw dead bodies of dogs, he at once understood what it was all about. He tried to convince her not to do it, but the girl would not listened to him, so he was forced to tell everything to her mother. Mother warned the girl that if she did not stop, she will sew up her mouth. But the girl couldn't stop and mother sewed up her mouth with thick threads. Some more years passed and the girl disappeared from the village. Shortly afterwards, scientists came to investigate a terrible gorge in a forest nearby. But the first scientist who came down into the darkness of the cave has never returned. The second one has not returned either. Then one of the scientists went there with all precautions and silently. He saw a terrible picture: on the floor of the cave there were bones, skeletons and dead bloodless bodies. He heard someone's steps and immediately returned to the surface. The scientists discussed the situation for a long time and then decided to fill the gorge with poisonous gas. Terrible cries were heard from under the ground and awful сreatures emerged from the cave. All of them did not speak, because their mouths were sewn up, as it were. And when one of the monsters tried to open his mouth, he died.

The Black Scarf

Grandmother bought a black scarf and left it the kitchen. Then she left to go shopping. Mother came back from her work and entered the kitchen. The scarf flew up to her shouting: "Give me your blood!" and strangled the woman. The girl came to the kitchen. The scarf flew up to her shouting: "Give me your blood!" and strangled the girl. Her younger brother was left alone. He went to the neighbour and she taught him what to do. He returned home and burned everything there. His mother and sister returned to life.

The Patty with a Fingernail

There lived a woman with her daughter. One day they went to the market. The girl saw an old woman selling patties. The patties smelled delicious. The girl asked her mother to buy one. Mother agreed and bought her a patty, but the girl wanted more: the patties were so tasty. The old woman said there were no more patties left and asked mother’s permission to take the girl to her home and give her more patties there. Mother agreed and they left. Evening came, but the girl did not return. Mother got worried. The next morning she went to the market hoping to see her girl. She was looking for her for a long time, but the girl was nowhere to be seen. Then she saw the old woman and asked her about the girl. She didn’t answer, and mother turned to go home. The old woman offered her a liver patty. When mother took a bite, she found there her daughter’s fingernail. She immediately understood everything: the patties were made with human liver. Without saying a word, she went to the police and told them everything. Together with the police they decided to cheat the old woman. They sent a boy to her. The old woman didn’t suspect anything and took the boy to her house. There she put him in an arm-chair. This arm-chair flipped over at the pressing of a button. It immediately cut the person sitting in it into pieces. The old woman decided to close the door, and the policemen entered the room where the boy was sitting. When the old woman was about to press the button, they pushed the boy off the arm-chair and hid him. When the old woman returned to the arm-chair to take the meat she needed for her patties, it was empty. At this moment she was arrested and put into her arm-chair to be processed. It was the end of the old witch.

Granny the Witch

A girl came to visit her granny who lived in the countryside. In the evening the granny told her: "Don’t go to the pigsty." The girl disobeyed and went to the pigsty. The pig who was there rushed at her, but the girl hit the pig with a stick breaking its leg and ran away. In the morning she saw her granny whose led was bandaged. The girl asked her; "What’s the matter?" The granny replied: "I fell off the stove". In the evening the girl went to the pigsty again. The pig rushed at her and the girl hit it with a stick. In the morning she found out that both granny’s legs were bandaged. In the evening the girl went to the pigsty once more. The pig rushed at her, but the girl hit it with a stone and ran away. In the night the granny who was green all over came to the girl and strangled her.

The Black Hand in the Mysterious Bath-house

There was a bath-house in one village All those who ventured to enter it lost their lives. A boy decided to find out what was wrong there. One night he took an axe, came to the door of the bath-house and sat there waiting. Suddenly, he saw a black hand crawling out of the door. He chopped it off. In the morning he saw that one girl in the village was missing her hand. The next night he was sitting at the door of the bath-house again. He saw a black arm crawl out of the door and chopped it off. In the morning he noticed that the same girl was missing her other hand. He told the people about it. They killed her because she was a witch.

The Incident at an Old Graveyard

One day a soldier was crossing an old graveyard. Suddenly, a big white spot started to move in his direction. The soldier drew his pistol and began shooting at the spot, but it continued to fly coming closer and closer to him... In the morning he was found lying in the old graveyard with a pistol in his hand. Close to him was found an old newspaper with several bullet holes.

The Head

One day my friend and I strolled near the department store. You know, there is a nine-floor apartment building nearby. It’s there that an old woman approached us and said: "Girls, can you please hold my bag for a minute? It’s too heavy to carry up, and I’ll just drop in for a minute at my friend’s apartment in this building". Of course, we agreed and stood there waiting with the old woman’s bag. We stood there for fife, then for ten minutes, half an hour, an hour - until it got dark. A policeman came up and asked: "Why are you standing here?" We explained to him. He told: "Let’s open the bag to see what’s in there." Then he opened the bag, and there was a head! (All the listeners are scared and ask surprisingly: "A head? Whose head?")
The head of a big fish!

The Meat Patties

One day mother sent her daughter to the market to buy some meat patties . When the girl came to the market, she saw that all meat patties had been sold. There happened to be an old woman who told the girl: "If you wait for some while at my home, I’ll make you some hot meat patties . The girl has agreed. When they came to the old woman’s home, she told the girl to sit and wait on a sofa and went to the adjacent room where she pressed a button. The girl fell through. The old woman made some meat patties and went back to the market to sell them. The girl’s mother waited for her daughter for quite a while, but she did not return, so mother decided to go to the market herself. There she bought some meat patties from the old woman. When she began eating, she discovered a black nail in one of the meat patties (Her daughter had a nail like that). The woman went to the police and told them everything. When the policemen came to the old woman’s home to make a search, she asked them to sit down on the sofa, and the policemen also fell through right into a huge meat-grinder. But they managed to call their station on the radio in the very last moment. It was later discovered that there was a meat-grinder full of human meat under the sofa. The old woman made meat patties of this meat and sold them at the market. She was executed by a firing squad for this crime.

The Black Shoes

There lived a girl with her mother. One day mother bought her a pair of black shoes and told her: "Don’t put them on before I return from work!" The girl’s friends came and invited her to go for a walk. She went with them putting on her new shoes. When the girl returned, she didn’t put the shoes back in their place and left them dirty. Then she went to bed. When the girl woke up, she switched on the radio and heard: "Girl, I’m looking for your house. Girl, I’ve found your house. Girl, I’m looking for your windows. Girl, I’ve found your windows. Girl, I’m looking for your porch. Girl, I’ve found your porch. Girl, I’m looking for your door. Girl, I’ve found your door." The girl was standing ready with an axe in her hand when the door squeaked and opened. She hit the coffin with the axe. An imp jumped out of the coffin crying: "Now my last car is broken!"

The Black Gloves - 1
Before her death, mother ordered her daughter not to put on her black gloves. Soon after mother’s death the girl forgot about her order. One evening she was getting ready to go to a dancing party and decided to put on the black gloves. In the car that took the girl and her friends to the party she heard mother’s voice: "Daughter, take off the black gloves. Earth is opening". She didn’t take them off. "Daughter, take off the black gloves. Earth has opened ". She didn’t take them off. "Daughter, take off the black gloves. The coffin is opening". She didn’t take them off. "Daughter, take off the black gloves. The coffin has opened ". She didn’t take them off. "Daughter, take off the black gloves. Mother is coming back". She didn’t take them off. "Daughter, take off the black gloves. Mother is approaching the house". She didn’t take them off. "Daughter, take off the black gloves. Mother is opening the wicket". She didn’t take them off. "Daughter, take off the black gloves. Mother is entering the house". She didn’t take them off. "Daughter, take off the black gloves. Mother has entered the house". She didn’t take them off. "Daughter, take off the black gloves. Mother has an axe in her hands. Give me back my heart!"

Room No. 150

A girl’s mother died. On the roof of their house there lived a witch. She had 150 rooms. The witch went to the market and told the girl not to go to room No. 150, but the girl entered the room. There were glasses and jars filled with blood. Her mother’s, father’s and brother’s blood was also there. Suddenly the radio began announcing: "Girl, drink a glass of blood. The witch is stepping off the tram. Girl, drink a glass of blood. The witch is in the market. Girl, drink a glass of blood. The witch is leaving the market." The girl drank the biggest bottle containing her father’s blood. "Girl, drink a glass of blood. The witch is stepping down from the tram". The girl drank the bottle with her mother’s blood. Now only the smallest bottle remained, the one with her brother’s blood. "Girl, drink a glass of blood. The witch is entering the house". The witch opened the door. The girl grabbed at the bottle,
and the witch died.

The Black Gloves - 2

When mother was about to die, she told her children not to touch her black gloves. Two daughters obeyed her, but the third one, when tidying up, saw some dust on the gloves and wiped it off. In the night she woke up and saw two black spots running on the curtains. The curtains vanished. Then the two black spots ran around the room, and everything vanished after them. Suddenly the girl heard someone play the piano in the next room. She went there and saw the black gloves playing the piano. The gloves noticed the girl, jumped at her and strangled her to death. The same happened to the girl’s elder sister and father. When the gloves jumped at the third sister, the girl managed to run out of the flat. But she left the door open, and the gloves followed her into the neighbours’ flat. Once there, the gloves made a flying round of the flat , and everything vanished there. They began to strangle the neighbours. At this moment a police detachment was sent to fight the gloves. The policemen came there right at the minute when the gloves were trying to strangle the girl. The gloves jumped at the policemen and strangled them all, except one. He drew his gun and fired at the gloves several times. The gloves exploded into small pieces, and a terrible scream was heard. Then all those strangled by the gloves returned to life.

The Glass Doll

One day a little girl saw a very beautiful glass doll in a store. She brought her parents to the store and asked them to buy it. Her parents said: "What for? We are not going to buy this doll!" The girl replied: "I want it! I want it!", and burst out crying. Finally, they bought her the doll. The girl played with the doll all day long. In the evening she put the girl on the table and went to bed. In the morning she was told that her mother was dead. The girl cried all day long. The next morning her father died, then her granny. She was left alone with her little brother. In the night, before going to bed, she turned on the light in all rooms as she was afraid of darkness. Both children were very frightened when they saw the glass doll climb out of the box with toys. The doll’ s legs extended and it made a step towards the children. Its large arms with long fingers were reaching the floor. It approached the brother’s bed and grasped him by the neck with its both hands. Sharp needles came out of the fingers and pierced the boy’s throat. The girl was scared. She ran out of the apartment and rang at the neighbours’ door. The neighbours called the police. When the police arrived, the boy was dead the doll, the little glass doll was lying in the toy box. The next night the policemen saw for themselves how the doll climbed out of the box and walked around the room, but couldn’t find anybody. They put the glass doll in a metal box and took it to the factory where such dolls were produced. At the factory nobody had any idea about such terrible dolls. One of the policemen stepped on a tile in the floor, and the whole floor slid open. Underground, there was another factory producing such terrible dolls. Old women from the old people’s home worked there. They were all arrested together with the factory director and taken to prison.

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